
8 Ways To Slow Down Alzheimer’s Progression

8 Ways To Slow Down Alzheimer’s Progression

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the diseases that hit the whole family, not only the patient; while science has no cure for such disease, but many ways that you could apply to a patient that aims to slow down the disease progression. Throughout this article, we aim to give a concentrated capsule, explaining how to provide the best care for Alzheimer’s…

13 signs to warn you about Diabetes

13 signs to warn you about Diabetes

You wake up early every day doing your basic routine, such as having breakfast, getting ready for hanging out, or going to work. You may choose not to walk today, or delay the running for tomorrow. Doing shopping and some other stuff just like every day, your daily routine that you do over and over again on daily bases. But…

Breast Cancer & Women A not rosy feminine story

Breast Cancer & Women A not rosy feminine story

“The happy ending” is all that any girl dreams of, in many different ways or situations. For example, while she is graduating from the university, wearing a stunning dress, or marrying the love of her life, living a happy life, dreaming of the children’s name, her favorite pet, her room style, and so on. This is what girls and women…

Symptoms Of Heart Attacks, When Life Pump Is Clogged

Symptoms Of Heart Attacks, When Life Pump Is Clogged

A whole circulation rolls into our bodies. Tons of paths with different sizes and volumes hold blood and carry it to feed our organs all over the body. From veins and arteries to capillaries have one job to accomplish, delivering oxygen and nutrition to body cells every second with no interruption, such as clots in general and heart attacks in…

6 Reasons of Obesity that blocks you to live a healthy life

6 Reasons of Obesity that blocks you to live a healthy life

A woman in her 20s named Alyaa, raised up to be known of her love of life. But she has developed a certain amount of shyness, worry, fear, and other competing emotions that make her feel down or low on herself over time after putting on noticeable weight. Alyaa was extremely anxious due to her weight, even if the general…

7 Questions Related to Cannula & Its Insertion

7 Questions Related to Cannula & Its Insertion

  The Cannula, that tiny tube that crosses the human vein to bring life to the person to whom it is attached, is necessary for any clinic, hospital, or after an operation. The Cannula is more than just a tube that allows a doctor or nursing staff to deliver IV fluids to a patient’s body. It saves lives by transfusing…

Postpartum depression When hope and pain are born

Postpartum depression When hope and pain are born

A new baby…a new life…a happy family…these three words are nothing but a reflection of what comes to your mind as soon as you hear the news of one of them being pregnant. He puts in his mind that the new hope that came out of the mother’s womb may have consequences that hurt her. Making her feel negative feelings…

Dementia, Some Memories Are Mysteriously Lost

Dementia, Some Memories Are Mysteriously Lost

What is Dementia? What could cause such a disease?  In fact, dementia is not a disease on its own, yet it’s a bunch of symptoms that hit the brain for many reasons, among which comes many other diseases as the main suspect. Where Alzheimer’s disease comes on top of these diseases as the most common cause of it. Accordingly, dementia…

Urinary Catheter, Uses & Risks

Urinary Catheter, Uses & Risks

Medical stuff is weird yet efficient and to the goal. Throughout history, medical tools have been improved in an obvious way to reach optimum health services. The Urinary Catheter is maybe one of the weirdest medical tools ever, yet serving a major role and couldn’t be replaced in many cases. However, using a urinary catheter could be a little bit…

High Blood Pressure Complications

High Blood Pressure Complications

Imagine a dramatic scene where a father is discussing with one of his sons; he’s getting furious. The son is more like doesn’t care for what his father is saying; the father gets more and more angry. And suddenly, the father holds his head and screams: “my blood pressure is coming over. Someone gets me my pill Now!” So dramatic,…

Age-Related Hearing Loss

Age-Related Hearing Loss

You keep raising your voice. Still, your father can’t depict what you’re saying. It could lead to a miscommunication between both of you, leading you to be furious and helpless to reach a way to talk and handle conversations with seniors with age-related sensorineural hearing loss in general. Hence, it becomes an increasing challenge, knowing that seniors are more likely…

Get to know more about the herniated disc, its causes & treatment.

Get to know more about the herniated disc, its causes & treatment.

As we age, the risk of facing back, arm, and leg pain increase. Then we ask about the reasons and drown in our thoughts. That’s why we decided to write more about herniated discs, their causes, types, and treatment.   What is the herniated disc?  Let’s explain it simply, inside our bodies. Bone joints are separated by a piece of…

Insomnia Causes & Symptoms, Endless Nights

Insomnia Causes & Symptoms, Endless Nights

Sleeping, it’s that state where the body goes in relaxation and renovation. Although we maybe don’t know why almost every creature has to spend some time sleeping during the day, including human beings, we detect what could happen if we didn’t get enough sleep for whatever reason, between which Insomnia. Typically, a human would need between 7 to 9 hours…

Breast Cancer Symptoms & Causes, Her Challenge To Overcome

Breast Cancer Symptoms & Causes, Her Challenge To Overcome

What’s life but successive challenges and victories in a row. And in a woman’s life, a special challenge could be threatening, breast Cancer, the illness that stands in a rival position for the women’s society in general, which is currently concerned the main threat women could face during their lives. Out of this importance, we dedicated this article to discuss…

Anemia Symptoms & Causes How could Blood lose its Fortune?

Anemia Symptoms & Causes How could Blood lose its Fortune?

Many people would suffer from anemia symptoms for various reasons; it would affect their health in general and prevent them from having a normal life in so many ways. Blood has a fortune full of cells meant to transport oxygen to the whole body organs, and the issue occurs when these cells decrease for whatever reason. Blood cells are divided…

Pneumonia Symptoms & Causes

Pneumonia Symptoms & Causes

Who hadn’t gotten hard flu throughout his life? Or suffered from some hard breathing symptoms due to aspiration pneumonia that decreased blood oxygen? Pneumonia symptoms and causes vary from one to another due to many reasons and risk factors and lead to some severe complications if not treated properly, which could be critical sometimes. In general, aspiration pneumonia would be…

Osteoporosis Symptoms & Treatments Fragile

Osteoporosis Symptoms & Treatments Fragile

Osteoporosis is considered one of the most dangerous health conditions that would affect a human’s life in general. It’s when bones become more and more fragile, to the point that a minor shock or injury would lead to significant fractions, which could be critical and severe, hard to be restored. Throughout this case, bones would lose the ability to self-restore…

Angina Symptoms & Causes, When the Heart Loses What He Offers

Angina Symptoms & Causes, When the Heart Loses What He Offers

Movies and media have played a typical image of the angina symptoms and signs, holding the left side of the chest before going into a coma. It could be pretty similar, with some differences. The main angina symptom that occurs mainly is massive chest pain. Out of movies and drama, let’s answer the “what’s angina?” question. For what’s basic, angina…

Tourette’s syndrome, What Could be Surprising for the Patient

Tourette’s syndrome, What Could be Surprising for the Patient

Kids in their early life are subjected to a particular health problem concerning their reflexes and reactions. We’re talking about a specific nervous system disorder called Tourette’s syndrome. This Syndrome was named after the French doctor Georges De La Tourette, the first to reveal it as a syndrome. What’s Tourette’s syndrome? Tourette’s syndrome is basically a nervous disorder that could…

First Aid,  Until Help is Here

First Aid, Until Help is Here

Once upon a time, someone was having a pretty typical day, whether at work or college and out of nowhere, he finds himself facing an urgent situation, where someone is in deep need of massive help that could be mandatory to save his life. The question here is: does anybody know the principles of first aid? Throughout this short situation,…

Parkinson’s disease Shaking Reality

Parkinson’s disease Shaking Reality

We, humans, don’t mind anything until it affects our freedom of moving around freely and prevent from doing daily tasks and duties like we used to do. As much as we can mention, Parkinson’s disease couldn’t be ignored. Such a disease attacks the nervous system gravely, leading to many motion issues for the patient. Most probably, Parkinson’s disease starts to…

Back Pain & Arthritis, What Obstruct Free Motion

Back Pain & Arthritis, What Obstruct Free Motion

If we considered the human body a mechanical machine, bones and joints would form the main structure of the body, which let it work and move smoothly. It would be considered a huge challenge when any malfunction hits this mechanism. Back Pain and Arthritis would lead to many more complications concerning having a normal life, not to mention the amount…

Normal Blood Pressure, The Good In Between

Normal Blood Pressure, The Good In Between

Many people around the world are seeking to have normal blood pressure due to many issues that make it whether high pressure or low blood pressure. Usually, it becomes a chronic disease that has to be maintained for life. While some people thought that low pressure is not that risky, facts revealed the opposite. For instance, it’s not healthy to…

How To Provide Homecare To An Alzheimer’s Patient?

How To Provide Homecare To An Alzheimer’s Patient?

When a family member goes into the geriatric phase, many signs and symptoms develop, directly impacting daily life. Especially with Alzheimer’s disease is a possible risk; knowing that Alzheimer’s disease is making a broad disturbance, whether for the patient himself or his family and surrounding ones, leads everybody to search for a proper solution, which could be provided by home…

What is IBS? Food & Mood

What is IBS? Food & Mood

IBS is an abbreviation for irritable bowel syndrome; it’s when the digestive system reacts aggressively to what you eat or how you feel. Food and mood have been connected since forever. And it’s pretty similar when it comes to the Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). It’s not actually surprising when we know that our moods can have a massive effect on…

Depression Symptoms & Treatment, Always Feeling Low

Depression Symptoms & Treatment, Always Feeling Low

Feeling low, going through tough days, losing your passion for any activities that used to touch you deep inside and made you feel better. Have you felt depressed or pretended to have some depression symptoms? Has this feeling lasted for a long time? In fact, we all go through mood swings all over the day, and sometimes we could lose…

What you need to know about Diabetic Foot Care

What you need to know about Diabetic Foot Care

Symptoms, causes, and how to treat. So many people around the world are suffering from diabetes, which is caused by high or low glucose levels in the blood. As much as it could be properly controlled and the patient would live a normal life, as much as it could lead to some severe complications. One of these complications is the…

High blood pressure What to do for a normal life?

High blood pressure What to do for a normal life?

It’s common for people worldwide to suffer from high blood pressure, showing some complications and symptoms that could affect the usual daily routine. So what’s blood pressure? Blood pressure reveals how the heart pumps the blood into veins and arteries to provide each body organ with blood. Normal blood pressure range varies according to so many variables, from which we…

Geriatric Diseases Life beyond the sixties

Geriatric Diseases Life beyond the sixties

Aging is an inescapable part of life for both humans and other organisms. So, the person starts leaving his youth days and then, starts Aging, in which a person gets weak and much more sensitive to diseases, which is defined as “Geriatric disease.” Through it, his functions and bodily organs weaken, and he is unable to make the effort that…

Diabetes, Too Sweet To Handle

Diabetes, Too Sweet To Handle

Sugar, a pleasure we get through our food and beverage. Since our childhood, candy or a chocolate bar was mainly our favorite reward. As much as we love the sweet taste, the dopamine rush, and the feeling of happiness, as much as we suffer from its consequences concerning various health conditions. What is obvious is weight; sugar is full of…

Obesity, Deeper than just a mirror reflect

Obesity, Deeper than just a mirror reflect

You don’t like what you see? It’s all about your weight and body shape, which’s not satisfying for you. The world rolls around some standards and optimum conditions that led people to follow. From which comes the standard weight and shape. As much as it is preferable to be yourself, set your own standards, and show your distinction, as much…

Stress Diseases, in the Seek for Inner Peace

Stress Diseases, in the Seek for Inner Peace

Life is such a trip that we all go through; it’s full of success and failure, a series of goals that we follow to reach. We always want to take the challenge, facing different obstacles, and in spite of any condition, it’s like we’re in a race towards a certain goal, though it could not be so obvious. It’s known…

High Cholesterol, Tasty but Risky

High Cholesterol, Tasty but Risky

Our bodies take energy from the food we consume daily, according to what health is signified. We aim to eat what is tasty; humans have the grace of loving food, tasting, and creating new recipes. However, it’s not always a grace, and it could turn into a curse. Unfortunately, tasty food means unhealthy ingredients or an unhealthy way of cooking,…

Deep Vein Thrombosis, The Killer Saver

Deep Vein Thrombosis, The Killer Saver

A whole circulation happens through our body every moment; it’s that red fluid called blood, carrying oxygen and useful stuff right into every body cell. On the other hand, comes what we call Thrombosis to be an obstacle stopping this parade. Of course, this process is not that simple. Actually, our bodies contain a massive and complicated grid of veins,…

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