Deep Vein Thrombosis, The Killer Saver

A whole circulation happens through our body every moment; it’s that red fluid called blood, carrying oxygen and useful stuff right into every body cell. On the other hand, comes what we call Thrombosis to be an obstacle stopping this parade.

Of course, this process is not that simple. Actually, our bodies contain a massive and complicated grid of veins, arteries, and capillaries that are meant to deliver blood to the required destination. And the cycle is closed when this blood comes back again, carrying carbon dioxide and cells waste; what could make our minds blow up is that all of this take place in just a few milliseconds.

Out of such explication, you can know the critical role of blood circulation and how catastrophic it could be if something happened to the cycle.

Thrombosis comes on the top of the list, which recites what could block the bloodstream. A blood clot is a danger that could happen to anybody, no matter how old he is, due to so many factors that we’ll discuss in detail. But first, let us understand how a blood clot or thrombosis could develop into our veins.

Thrombosis is when blood cells agglomerate on each other when they transform from the fluid state to a more solid state similar to a gelatinous material; then, it could develop more and more until it forms a blood clot or a deep vein thrombosis.

The main reason for thrombosis is the lack of some proteins through the body, like protein C and S, or the lack of plasmin meant to dissolve any blood clot through the bloodstream.

It’s confusing when we get to know that thrombosis is initially a lifesaving process, which our blood cells tend to go through in case of bleeding to stop it as soon as possible. Alternatively, when it happens at the wrong place and time, it could be deadly or causing some severe chronic health conditions.

Home nursing could give a hand while providing proper care through similar conditions, as 7keema for home nursing services is currently able to provide specialist nurse or a nurse aide to deliver care at home.


Types of Thrombosis:


Deep vein thrombosis and blood vessels clots, in general, could vary in type like follows:

–        Thromboembolism:

The deep vein thrombosis is developed and stays fixed in its position, blocking the bloodstream from passing through.

And it could be evident through different symptoms like swelling, numbness, and redness.

–        Obstructive Thromboembolism:

It’s a blood clot that could move around blood vessels, which could lead it to different body organs and cause so many complications according to the criticality of such organ.

It could be referred through different symptoms as well, like vomiting, sweating, paleness, and trouble breathing.


Deep Vein Thrombosis symptoms


Deep Vein Thrombosis Symptoms

 Symptoms may vary according to its location, and a blood clot could isn’t originally something hurtful. It could stop bleeding and save a life; still, when it happens in some vital organs, here comes the problem.


Brain Thrombosis Symptoms:

The danger lies when a brain cell doesn’t get enough bloodstream, and it’s known that when a brain cell is gone, it’s never coming back again. Therefore, so many complications and brain damage could occur due to such things, affecting the individual’s focus, sight, mobility, speaking, and many other things. And it may get more severe and lead to a stroke.

A brain blood clot could develop the following symptoms:

–        Intense headache

–        Blurred vision, or losing sight

–        Speech defect

Once these symptoms take place, the patient should be rushed into an emergency. Unfortunately, brain thrombosis is so dangerous and would probably lead to some severe complications or, in many cases, death.

Home nursing could maintain these complications and help out through the rehabilitation process. For example, a nurse provided by a home nursing service is meant to help the patient through his daily activities like moving, eating, bathing, and more. In contrast, physiotherapy services could help to overcome these complications.


Lungs Thrombosis Symptoms:

When it gets to the lungs, it’s becoming even more critical.

Remember when we said blood carries oxygen to body cells? Well, it’s where the oxygen comes from, and it’s where we get to throw out the carbon dioxide. In short words, the lungs are one of the main systems responsible for our existence.

Recently, we got a new villain accused of causing a lung blood clot, which’s virus corona, as it has been proved that it could lead to blood cells agglomeration into lungs capillaries. You can know more about virus corona’s long-lasting and post-infection symptoms through this article.  

A lung blood clot would develop these symptoms:

–        Breathing interruption without any physical activity

–        Severe chest pain

–        High heart-beat rate

–        Cough with blood

Lung deep vein thrombosis could be treated within only a few minutes, and it could leave some prints behind. Home nursing may help a patient to rehabilitate and overcome any complications left.


Heart Thrombosis Symptoms:

The heart is the most incredible pump that ever existed, and if lungs bring oxygen, the heart is its source of power. Subsequently, we could imagine how any heart problem could be severe.

Fortunately, it’s hard to have a blood clot in the heart due to the act of pumping blood in a very high pressure every second all over the day. Though, it could still happen due to whatever reason.

Deep vein thrombosis symptoms could be:

–        Heavy chest and pain

–        Dizziness

–        Breathing interruption

When it happens, that’s mean a serious heart attack, rush to the hospital, get the proper treatment, and start a rehabilitation program.

For instance, if the patient gets proper care within minutes, it could pass go with peace without any complication; on the other side, it might be a reason for more severe complications that must be contained, home nursing could provide such care.


Arms and Legs Thrombosis Symptoms:

For instance, when a blood clot is formed into a leg or an arm vein, it’s not considered critical at the moment, but what makes it also dangerous is that it could go with the bloodstream until reaching a vital organ.

Arm or leg Deep vein thrombosis could develop the following symptoms:

–        Arms or legs swelling

–        Pain at clot position

–        Heat at clot position

–        Obvious skin redness

Also, this blood clot should be maintained as soon as possible to avoid reaching a vital organ like the heart, lungs, or brain.


Deep Vein Thrombosis reasons


Deep Vein Thrombosis Reasons

Reasons may vary according to many factors, including age, chronic diseases, and health conditions; we can mention the main reasons as following:

–        Age: beyond 60 is considered a high-risk age for blood clots.

–        Sitting down for so long

–        Laying down for so long due to surgeries recovery

–        Obesity: you can know more about obesity through this article

–        Pregnancy for women

–        Anti-pregnancy pills

–        Smoking

–        Hormonal treatments (for cancer)

–        Hereditary factors

–        A shock or bad news

–        Immunity diseases (AIDS, Virus C)

In fact, home nursing can contain these factors and lower the risk of having deep vein thrombosis.


What to do when a Blood Clot is suspected?


Call an ambulance immediately, or head to the nearest hospital.

A minute would make a difference; when the proper care is received instantly, the death risk is at its lowest point, and by affiliation, the risk of having severe complications.

Home nursing services could maintain what comes after a deep vein thrombosis, help the patient out through his recovery and provide proper care, or even home nursing could help to avoid a blood clot.


Deep Vein Thrombosis prevention


Deep Vein Thrombosis Prevention

Prevention is directly connected to causes; simply get away from what could be a thrombosis reason.

–        Eat healthily: to avoid obesity and so many other diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure.  

–        Quit smoking

–        Periodically check-up, especially for those over 60

–        Have a daily work-out routine

Moreover, it’s always recommended to provide home nursing care for the elderly to avoid having deep vein thrombosis by maintaining their daily needs and having a healthy life.

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