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Ramadan Fasting, 7 Tips For Your Health

Ramadan Fasting, 7 Tips For Your Health

Ramadan is coming all over the way, which arouses great pleasure and joy in our homes and families. Not to mention how Ramadan gets us closer to each other and gives us the opportunity to have some family quality time around the iftar table. In the aftermath of some long fasting hours, people would rush into eating their iftar meal…

Home Nursing In Egypt 2023

Home Nursing In Egypt 2023

As days go on, many things change and take steps ahead; our daily ways and methods take a progressive jump due to massive digital transformation. Knowing that healthcare is no different, providing Domicile Care has been improved, developed, and turned upside down. In a matter of fact, healthcare hasn’t changed in concept obviously, but many updates took place on the…

Urinary Catheter, Uses & Risks

Urinary Catheter, Uses & Risks

Medical stuff is weird yet efficient and to the goal. Throughout history, medical tools have been improved in an obvious way to reach optimum health services. The Urinary Catheter is maybe one of the weirdest medical tools ever, yet serving a major role and couldn’t be replaced in many cases. However, using a urinary catheter could be a little bit…

Elderly Care At Home, Everyday Story

Elderly Care At Home, Everyday Story

Seven o’clock dings, Mr Samir, wake up to go on with his daily routine; he’s aware of his daily challenges and what he could be facing along his day. It’s not like he’s going into a great adventure where many risks should be taken, but it’s just a pretty normal day for an aged man, yet full of obstacles. Since…

Home Nursing, Why Not!

Home Nursing, Why Not!

Humans used to provide their healthcare needs, varying from time to time and according to many factors. Meanwhile, it has been taking massive evolutionary progress during these last days, beating many challenges and obstacles concerning healthcare provision in general. Home nursing has been filling many gaps between healthcare industry cracks, yet it was enough to say we reached the best…

Knee Osteoarthritis, Smooth Steps Required

Knee Osteoarthritis, Smooth Steps Required

Bones are connected through joints, which are meant to work, move, and interact smoothly and in harmony—though friction is produced along with our daily movements and motions, yet appropriately absorbed by a layer that lies between bones called cartilage. Talking about the body’s joints, knees are the most to be mentioned, as they are the primary support of the whole…

Omicron Symptoms & Aspects, Coronavirus Latest Update

Omicron Symptoms & Aspects, Coronavirus Latest Update

While it’s almost two years since the coronavirus outbreak, it’s never felt that we’re about to witness a conclusion any soon and get back to our normal life. Meanwhile, the pandemic is becoming a time reference as people refer to what before coronavirus and what after. On the run of several consecutive waves, many mutants have been occurred to the…

Home Nursing & Diabetes and Diabetic Foot Protection

Home Nursing & Diabetes and Diabetic Foot Protection

Chronic diseases are a constant danger that’s threatening human beings worldwide. Typically, it’s more likely to have one of those diseases while ageing. Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases, leading to many more severe complications, which includes diabetic foot and more. Alternatively, home nursing is providing such practical solutions to maintain and treat. Usually, diabetes doesn’t come…

Home Nursing & Bedsores Care

Home Nursing & Bedsores Care

The best way to get some rest is to lay down for a while, get some sleep and have sweet dreams. Though, the same acts and actions lead to a very critical condition if it is overused. Bedsores are quite critical, caused due to putting pressure for long times over skin, which mainly occurs by laying down for a long…

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