Humans used to provide their healthcare needs, varying from time to time and according to many factors. Meanwhile, it has been taking massive evolutionary progress during these last days, beating many challenges and obstacles concerning healthcare provision in general. Home nursing has been filling many gaps between healthcare industry cracks, yet it was enough to say we reached the best outcome until the technology was here, and then accordingly, many changes took place.
For instance, home nursing has brought a new healthcare concept and style, proving certain credibility and reliability in so many obvious ways. When 21st-century technology was involved and made it more efficient and easier to access, it beat many challenges such as pricing and long waiting times.
In fact, home nursing is not such a new thing to mention by itself, though the way of providing it is the real matter. Asking for a nurse at home is not a new event. It was always existing despite many challenges that took place. It was always hard to find a qualified nurse in time without being subjected to any kind of crime or disrespectful acts. Not to mention the factor of not having someone to get your back in such cases, and that’s what the new concept of home nursing is realizing easily through a mobile application.
A new era comes with what’s more efficient. Efficiency through healthcare has been realized in so many ways, but ordering a home nursing service through a mobile application may take a leading role.
How Was The Change?
In fact, the big change that occurred was concerning the technology operating healthcare nowadays, as a wide difference could be detected by providing healthcare service.
7keema has brought a new way of providing healthcare services that’s more efficient, easier to access, better in quality, and above all, a service to trust.
Alternatively, 7keema is responsible for guaranteeing a smooth service process to ensure safety and security while the service is provided.
Moreover, 7keema is only dealing with highly qualified nursing staff, with broad experience, in order to guarantee the best experience for all customers through whatever service. Also, 7keema provides all nursing levels to fit every kind of service.
Originally, 7keema aimed to make a difference concerning people’s mindset when it comes to healthcare seeking, making it easier to access, affordable, with a reasonable price to quality rate; not to mention the comprehensive services selection available, leading to an integrated healthcare system through a mobile application.
Accordingly, let’s go through 7keema home nursing services selection while highlighting how 7keema provides each at home with all that comes with it.
Elderly Care At Home
One of the main services 7keema chose to carry the burden off families’ shoulders is elderly care. It’s not a mystery why it’s considered a difficult yet mandatory service for almost every family. Therefore, 7keema saw an opportunity to help with a professional and efficient service.
Hence life is not as simple as it was back in the day, and every individual has tons of responsibilities to take care of on a daily basis. The elderly care service is making a profound impact on every family member.
This home nursing service is provided by an elderly sitter, who stays with the patient as long as it takes, which could reach up to 24 hours shifts with rotation. The provider has many clear duties and tasks, which take a certain methodology to provide comfort for the patient.
However, the provider has many clear duties to cover, between which we can mention the following:
- Keep the elderly as active as possible.
- Maintain a certain nutrition system.
- Keep his free ability to move intact.
- Maintaining safety during different kinds of activities.
- Help achieve daily tasks.
- Prevent from coronavirus infection.
- Deal with different chronic diseases.
- Track medicines and drugs doses and timings.
- Psychological support and maintenance.
In fact, elderly care is not about physical help only. For almost every case, mental and psychological support is prioritized while providing the service. Therefore, the home nursing provider is also a player – side by side to the elderly’s family- to give the proper amount of mental support, including within his duties.
To be clear, psychology needs a specialist doctor; it’s a sure thing, and we don’t claim that the home nursing provider is capable of such service. Though he’s capable of preventing severe mental issues by only showing respect and sympathy, also connects and gives the patient the chance to talk and express their feelings and thoughts.
Alzheimer’s Patients Care
Undoubtedly, Alzheimer’s disease is one of the biggest challenges facing any patient during the geriatric phase. Therefore, it couldn’t be neglected or not covered by home nursing services concerning elderly care.
It’s no secret for anyone how Alzheimer’s disease could impact the patient’s life gravely and how hard it takes to provide the proper care. Though, home nursing can still support such cases and ensure a proper life.
Alzheimer’s disease symptoms and complications could lead to severe focus issues, leading to a poor ability to achieve normal daily tasks. Not to mention hallucinations that could be harmful and lead to many severe problems.
There was no clear way to deal with an Alzheimer’s patient back in time. Currently, a certain methodology could be applied to guarantee a healthier life for patients, which home nursing providers could provide.
In fact, home nursing providers are trained to deal with Alzheimer’s patients according to certain steps and tips, which could be mentioned as follows:
Create a daily routine: it’s mandatory for Alzheimer’s patients to stick to certain daily tasks routine, which helps refresh mental ability and focus.
Help through bathing: for home nursing providers, it’s pretty mandatory to help during bath time, yet, giving a full chance for the patient to do it themselves.
Clothes wearing: the home nursing provider should give the patient two or three options as max to choose between, which helps the patient make decisions.
Restroom help: it’s highly recommended to use many extra helpful tools to make it easier for both provider and patient.
Eating: it’s quite mandatory to be ready to help during meals time, but first, the provider should let the patient try to eat by themselves without intervening unless required.
Ensuring the home is safe for the case and storing any sharp and inflammable tool safely.
Help through different physical activities.
Specialists For Quick Services
Back in time, injections and cannulas installing process were quite a challenge for anyone due to complications that could occur if something went wrong, which made it necessary for anyone to ask a specialist nurse at least to provide such service.
People used to head to pharmacies to get their injections, but it was never as efficient as it should be. Searching for a specialist nurse to provide at home was also not as easy as it sounds, not to mention that the search process would probably end with no suitable match.
For a better understanding, we should first mention why it’s considered dangerous to have an injection or install a cannula in the wrong way, as it may lead to one or more of the following symptoms:
- Hard pain within the injection spot.
- Keep going bleeding.
- Feeling numb around the injection spot.
- Skin rash.
- Face swelling.
- Difficulties breathing.
- Blood contamination.
We can deduce the high importance of having a specialist for any sort of injections and cannula installing out of these points.
From its side, 7keema has ensured to cover such need by providing quick services between its home nursing services selection, which allow anyone to get a specialist nurse within a limited span of time at home to provide such service.
Leading to a worthy question: what are the different levels of nursing?
Specialist nurse: a nurse with a bachelor degree from a university.
Technician nurse: a nurse with a nursing high school diploma.
Nurse aid: a nurse with experience related to the nursing field.
Between these levels, specialist and technician nurses are the ones allowed to deal with any kind of injections or cannulas. 7keema provides one between these two levels through its quick home nursing services.
Quick Services from 7keema
Quick services include many home nursing services to be served for your favour, saving a lot of time and effort concerning the search to find some qualified nurses, as 7keema finds them for you. You just have to make a request.
These quick services cover the following:
- Intramuscular or intravenous injections
- Cannula and solution installing
- Installing a urinary catheter
With no doubt, 7keema provides the right level for the right service; that’s why for quick services, only specialists and technician nurses are allowed.
What’s worth mentioning is that through 7keema home nursing phone application, you can easily schedule an appointment for your injection in no time and receive the specialist at home just for it, with no hassle.
ICU At Home, Possible!
Taking the home nursing industry to a whole new level, 7keema is offering a quite mandatory service through its selection. This service is known by home shifts, which’s suitable for almost every case and age range.
Quite similar, yet different from the elderly care service, home shifts is available through different packages with different shifts timings that could go up to 24 hours a day.
Moreover, this service requires a specialist nurse, as it deals with some serious health conditions, unlike the elderly care service where only an elderly sitter is required. Home shifts cover more details and provide integrated hospital healthcare without stepping out from your bedroom.
In fact, this home nursing service could be developed into a new level of hospitalization at home that could be compared to an ICU level, with the privilege of providing one-to-one care, which’s certainly more accurate and efficient.
To guarantee a higher level of efficiency and quality, 7keema makes integration between all its home nursing services, including the medical devices rental service, which ensures that any patient receives the care he really needs.
Medical devices available from 7keema:
- Oxygen generators
- Oxygen cylinders
- Vacuum
- Nebulizer
Not to mention that 7keema provides qualified nurses to deal with such medical complicated devices along with the request.
Out of the aim to simulate hospital services, 7keema provides an extra service in your favour, the ICU bed rental. This is an equipped bed to provide smoother healthcare service at home. It could be set in different positions to fit the patients’ needs and to prevent bedsores.
In general, home shifts service is covering more fields than the elderly care service, reaching a certain level of healthcare that could be only compared to hospital service, and yet it has proved a higher efficiency.
What a Mother Didn’t Use To Have
Post-pregnancy, a new mother is subjected to huge pressure concerning her newborn baby and her own health as well. Not to mention how hard she goes through adapting to her new life and how exhausting it could be to keep caring for her child all along her day.
7keema has decided to put its knowledge and experience into new mothers favour, as a whole home nursing service is now available through 7keema application just to maintain mother and child post-pregnancy.
In fact, 7keema provides a specialist in child care who ensures that the mother is capable enough to care for her baby and allows her to get some rest. In addition to a methodology that the provider teaches to the mother, which aims for a better, healthier, and more comfortable life for both of them.
This service is totally dedicated to helping out new mothers during their early motherhood experience.
Coping Up To Fit Your Needs (Pandemic Care)
Since it first started, the healthcare industry has been massively impacted, and with every pandemic wave, the healthcare system everywhere worldwide has suffered more than it can take.
In fact, hospitals all over this pandemic have been considered as a threat, where it’s more likely to be infected than to be healed.
Alternatively, home nursing has found an alternative solution, where healthcare could be received properly and as efficiently as possible at a hospital, maybe more.
Home nursing has touched people’s needs during the pandemic directly and indirectly. The direct is evident through the brand new pandemic care home nursing service, which guarantees the best healing process for corona patients at home.
While the indirect way was in how people do not have to head to hospitals when healthcare is needed, which provides a higher level of infection control and protection.
Home nursing has played a leading role to provide protection for the elderly, who are more likely to suffer coronavirus complications. This role is evident through the elderly care service and other home nursing services.
It’s Home Nursing Time
According to all these available services that home nursing is capable of providing, we can deduce its high importance.
Obviously, home nursing could cover almost every case and is suitable for all ages, starting from children, and newborn babies care, reaching up to cover elderly care and even more detailed services to mention.
The magic lies in how home nursing services are reachable, only simple steps from your phone, while you’re sitting where you are, and you can achieve your goal.
So home nursing, why not?