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How to deal with Complications of diabetes

How to deal with Complications of diabetes

The causes of diabetes Sometimes excess weight leads to insulin resistance and is common in people with chronic diabetes. Body fat distribution also plays a role. Excess belly fat is linked to insulin resistance, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Chronic diabetes generally begins with insulin resistance, which occurs when the muscle, liver, and fat cells do not respond properly to insulin.…

Hope for a cure for Alzheimer’s disease

Hope for a cure for Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is not linked to a single cause, but there are several factors other than genetics that can affect each person differently. One of the most recognized risk factors for developing this disease is age, as researchers believe that genetics plays a major role in developing it, and despite this, genetics is not the only factor for infection, a…

Causes Of Diabetes Facing You Daily

Causes Of Diabetes Facing You Daily

Considering the causes of diabetes early on would lead you toward prevention, not to mention how common it is to have diabetes for whatever age due to different circumstances. Unfortunately, despite the medical progression and evolution, diabetes is still without any cure. Only some ways to coexist. As a matter of fact, the causes of diabetes are various, and you’re…

9 Breast Cancer Symptoms With Complications, Avoid Them!

9 Breast Cancer Symptoms With Complications, Avoid Them!

Time is a playing factor through this stage. It’s what separates breast cancer symptoms and its complications. As a matter of fact, you can not consider it as an unfortunate thing that even happens to some women – and men – that you’re totally far from. I’m not here to make you worry, but it’s best to talk in statistics to show…

10 High Hypertension Management Tips For The Elderly!

10 High Hypertension Management Tips For The Elderly!

What is dangerously high blood pressure for the elderly? High blood pressure control is critical for the elderly’s health because it is common among the elderly. According to the first comprehensive global analysis of trends in the prevalence, detection, treatment, and control of hypertension, which is led by Imperial College London and the World Health Organization, the number of aged…

Postpartum depression When hope and pain are born

Postpartum depression When hope and pain are born

A new baby…a new life…a happy family…these three words are nothing but a reflection of what comes to your mind as soon as you hear the news of one of them being pregnant. He puts in his mind that the new hope that came out of the mother’s womb may have consequences that hurt her. Making her feel negative feelings…

Dementia, Some Memories Are Mysteriously Lost

Dementia, Some Memories Are Mysteriously Lost

What is Dementia? What could cause such a disease?  In fact, dementia is not a disease on its own, yet it’s a bunch of symptoms that hit the brain for many reasons, among which comes many other diseases as the main suspect. Where Alzheimer’s disease comes on top of these diseases as the most common cause of it. Accordingly, dementia…

Postpartum depression When hope and pain are born

Postpartum depression When hope and pain are born

A new baby…a new life…a happy family…these three words are nothing but a reflection of what comes to your mind as soon as you hear the news of one of them being pregnant. He puts in his mind that the new hope that came out of the mother’s womb may have consequences that hurt her. Making her feel negative feelings…

7 Questions Related to Cannula & Its Insertion

7 Questions Related to Cannula & Its Insertion

  The Cannula, that tiny tube that crosses the human vein to bring life to the person to whom it is attached, is necessary for any clinic, hospital, or after an operation. The Cannula is more than just a tube that allows a doctor or nursing staff to deliver IV fluids to a patient’s body. It saves lives by transfusing…

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