Quick Services
You may have been given a prescription, body fluid, or blood transfusions that must be given to you intravenously (directly into your bloodstream). Short-term medications for diagnostic tests in which a dye or other substance must be administered intravenously or an anesthetic is required. Long-term intravenous medications may be necessary, such as antibiotics for an infection.
An injection is an act of inoculating a liquid, usually a drug, into a person’s body with the help of a syringe. There are 3 types of injection: intradermal (ID)injection, subcutaneous (SC) injection, and intramuscular (IM) injection. Each type targets a different layer of the skin: Subcutaneous injections are given beneath the skin in the fat layer. Intramuscular injections are administered directly into the muscle. Intradermal injections are administered into the dermis or the layer of skin beneath the epidermis (which is the upper skin layer). The dermis is only a few millimeters thick in most places on the human body. whatever the type of injection you need you can ask 7keema for it.
Here are the precautions that 7keema takes in the home nursing
The staff should wash their hands. Put on a pouch and gloves. Allow the adds to the overall or port cap to air dry after cleaning it with an antiseptics wipe. Check that the cannula is working properly by flushing it with high-salinity fluid before and after use. Check your cannula site and dressing on a regular basis, recording and acting on any changes.
The staff member who inserts the cannula or administers your treatment will use an aseptic technique to help prevent infection. They will also inspect the site at least twice a day to ensure that it is still safe to use.
Frequently Asked Question
- If possible, avoid touching it.
- Do not remove the tape.
- Do not yank on it.
- Nothing should be injected into the cannula.
- Avoid getting the cannula or dressing wet. You can have a shower as usual but keep the cannula away from the water by protecting it with a plastic bag and sticky tape.
- if anything unusual happens you should ask for home nursing
Using the same medication vial for multiple patients and accessing the vial with a syringe that has previously been utilized to administer medication to a patient. that is why it is better to ask for home nursing.
A cannula is required for your care when connectivity to a vein is required for less than 7-10 days. it should indeed be supplanted from 24 to 72 hours as the maximum, or before this period if there are any signs of a problem you have to ask for home nursing.
There is a chance of infection. It is critical to keep the cap closed to help prevent infection.
The medication must be injected into the fatty tissue just beneath the skin. Some parts of the body have a more easily accessible layer of tissue, which means that a needle injected beneath the skin will not hit muscle, bone, or blood vessels.
home nursing care is intended for patients who are well enough to be discharged from the hospital but still require preventative services from a nurse at home.