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stay healthy & fit

Get A Perfect Body

I believe in training with intensity, eating to fuel your body and having fun while doing it. If you’re not enjoying fitness…what’s the point?!

stay healthy & fit

Start Your Body Changing With Alex

Everyone's body is different, so there's not a one-size-fits-all answer to how long it will take to see changes in your body when you start working out. It also depends largely on the kind of workouts you're doing.

a few words about me

Read My Story

“I am the creator of a Training Programs, personal coach and a writer. ”

Being fit and living healthy is what I know and love. Fitness has always been a part of my life. I grew up in a fit family—my dad ran marathons, we had a home gym, and my parents always had gym memberships.

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What Clients Say

“انا عميل قديم بطلب كل ما بحتاج الخدمة…. فكرة التطبيق حكيمة للتمريض المنزلي ممتازة حلت مشكلة ناس كتير و أنا رشحته للعديد من الأصدقاء”

تامر فؤاد

“كنت متفاجئ أصلا إن فيه شركة متخصصة في خدمات تمريض منزلي، تقدر تعتني بالمريض و توفرله خدمة مركزة، زيها زي أي عناية مركزة في مستشفى فخمة.”

هشام شعراوي

“خدمة ممتازة، مستمر في التعامل مع حكيمة لأكثر من سنة شكرا جزيلاً”

مصطفى عوض

“طلبت رعاية لوالدي و الخدمة كانت ممتازة، و مبسوط بالتعامل معاكم.”

محمد رشاد

change your body

Take the 30-day Total Body Challenge

health & fitness app

Download Mobile Application

Say hello to the best at-home workout guide you will ever find! This program is great if you cannot get to the gym, but still want a kickass workout and nutrition program!

Download on TheApple StoreDownload on TheGoogle Play

Get Trial Version Of Muscle Building Program

Get for free my trial version of Muscle Building program! My two-phase program is designed to build muscle via the right balance of mass-building exercises..


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اطلب الرعاية الصحية المنزلية الآن